The Team

Full Throttle Theatre Company

President Todd Barty BTh.(Acting) Grad. BEd. (JCU) ATCL

Todd is a Graduate of James Cook University’s Bachelor of Theatre in Acting and also holds a Graduate Bachelor of Education and an Associate of the Trinity College of London in Speech and Drama Teaching. With his mother being involved in theatre, Todd began performing at a very early age – first studying Drama at Studio Pierrot in Mackay and then with Fiona Perry after moving to Townsville

Past President
 Madonna Davies

Madonna has been working with Full Throttle Theatre Company and its predecessors for over ten years, and is now the general manager of the company. Madonna grew up in Townsville and studied theatre at JCU, where she worked under the direction of Dr. Jean-Pierre Voos, whom she continued to work with as her career progressed in the theatre industry.

Founding Director Dr. Jean-Pierre Voos

1932 – 2008

Thursday 17th January 2008 will always be remembered in the history of Tropic Sun Theatre Company as the day that our founder and Artistic Director passed away.

French by birth, English by education and Australian by choice. Worked mainly on the continent of Europe (Denmark, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Germany, France) before migrating to Australia in January 1986, becoming an Australian citizen in 1988.

Props Youth Theatre

Artistic Director Todd Barty BTh.(Acting) Grad. BEd. (JCU) ATCL

Todd is a Graduate of James Cook University’s Bachelor of Theatre in Acting and also holds a Graduate Bachelor of Education and an Associate of the Trinity College of London in Speech and Drama Teaching. With his mother being involved in theatre, Todd began performing at a very early age – first studying Drama at Studio Pierrot in Mackay and then with Fiona Perry after moving to Townsville.

Founding Director Karen Vane
Founding Director Michelle Veness